lutego 2, 2015


    A leading global automotive supplier has placed an order with AFC-Holcroft for a rebuild/retrofit of an existing Pusher Furnace line, along with contract additions for companion ancillary equipment, as part of a multi-phase project.

     The first phase rebuild/retrofit portion involves restoration of an existing 3-Row pusher furnace line including: Pusher furnace with Quench, Postwasher, Temper furnace, and transfers/conveyors, electrical control panels, and flowmeter panels. As part of the order, the existing equipment will receive a number of modifications and upgrades to meet current industrial, safety and supplier standards.

     The new companion ancillary equipment will consist of the following: 3-Row magazine loader, Prewasher, Preheat furnace, Oil storage tank, Closed-loop cooling system, 13,500 cfh E-Z series Endothermic gas generator, transfers/conveyors and powered exhaust system.

    A new Holding Chamber with Press Quench will integrate into the rebuilt/retrofitted equipment that will allow for either direct part quenching (into Pusher furnace quench tank) or press quenching (into the Press Quench). The Holding Chamber will be unloaded by a robot that will load/unload the Press Quench.

   The equipment for rebuild/retrofit is already in storage at AFC-Holcroft’s build partner, MATTSA, in San Luis Potosi, Mexico. MATTSA will rebuild/retrofit the existing Pusher furnace line and provide the new companion ancillary equipment. Once completed, each piece will be cold-tested and shipped to the supplier’s plant for installation, start-up, commissioning and formal operator training by MATTSA and AFC-Holcroft. Completion of the first phase is expected in 2015.


About AFC-Holcroft:

    AFC-Holcroft is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of heat treating furnaces. The legacy companies that comprise AFC-Holcroft have a combined 225+ years of thermal processing experience. The company manufactures turn-key heat treating systems for applications including commercial heat treating, bearings, automotive, aerospace, mining, military, aluminum heat treatment, gear manufacturing, fastener manufacturing, and alternative energy industries.

    AFC-Holcroft, headquartered in the United States, has a global reach with direct sales coverage in North America and worldwide, while AFC-Holcroft Europe serves major industrial markets in Germany, France, and other European locations. AFC-Holcroft’s Asian Operations manages partners in China, India, South Korea, and other countries in the region, and the company also extends into markets in Australia, Brazil, Mexico, Poland, Russia, and Spain, through relationships with partners, many of whom have manufacturing capability.

     For more information, contact

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